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128,000 children will wake up homeless this Christmas day - economic comment

According to housing and homelessness charity Shelter 128,000 children will spend Christmas day homeless and in temporary accommodation. Profesor Abhinay Muthoo comments on the economic background to this situation.

Continuing economic crisis in Venezuela: Expert comment from Dr Tom Long

Dr Tom Long, from Warwick’s Department for Politics and International Studies, on Venezuela's proposal for a virtual currency.

Prof Vera Troeger comments on the Fawcett Society's report on the gender pay gap

Vera Troeger, Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick, comments on the Fawcett Society’s report on the gender pay gap on Equal Pay Day.


Fri 10 Nov 2017, 11:11 | Tags: Economics, Expert comment, Policy, workers, Women, Gender

Professor Ben Lockwood on today's IFS report: Autumn 2017 Budget: Options for Easing the Squeeze

Professor Ben Lockwood, from the University of Warwick’s Department of Economics, provides expert comment on an IFS report released today which says that a worsened public finance outlook is likely if current low levels of productivity growth are the “new normal”.

Mon 30 Oct 2017, 12:43 | Tags: Politics, Economics, University of Warwick, Expert comment, Policy

Lloyds' extra money for mis-selling is further confirmation of poor treatment of customers

Lloyds Banking Group has set aside another £1bn to cover the cost of insurance mis-selling and the treatment of mortgage customers. Today's news comes as an additional confirmation of the extent of historical misconduct in the UK banking system and the cost it has had on customers, particularly borrowers says Dr Andreas Kokkinis

Thu 27 Jul 2017, 11:39 | Tags: Economics, Banks, News, Law, Business Members, Business and Management

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