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Is it time to substitute sports sponsors for healthier alternatives?

Sport has long been sponsored by unhealthy products, but maybe it’s time to give them the red card, suggests Dr Oyinlola Oyebode, expert in public health from Warwick Medical School.

Cardiac arrest: Christian Eriksen benefitted from the quick action of bystanders, not their medical training

Danish footballer, Christian Eriksen’s collapse was because his heart had stopped. Yes, he was lucky to have a highly-skilled medical team immediately by his side, but primarily he was lucky to have someone start CPR and use the AED as soon as possible, says Dr Chris Smith from Warwick Medical School.

Fri 18 Jun 2021, 13:46 | Tags: Disease Health & Medicine Patient Care Public Health

Coronavirus treatments – the opportunities and challenges of using existing drugs

Life in lockdown may not last forever but Bill Gates is probably right in saying we will not return to normal until a vaccine has been rolled out worldwide. This could be many months, if not years away. In the meantime, we provide supportive treatment to the most severely affected patients and look into our arsenal of existing drugs to treat COVID-19, explains Dr Ayfer Ali from WBS.

Wed 29 Apr 2020, 17:06 | Tags: Business & Economy Innovation Patient Care Public Health

Coronavirus: a history of pandemics in prison

“As the COVID-19 pandemic wreaks havoc across the world, the alarm has been sounded in prisons too”, the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative reported early in April. It wasn’t wrong. Jails are high-risk environments for disease, where pathogens are easily transmitted.

Why women are still ‘the other’ in medicine

Everything, throughout the history of medicine, from the profession’s origins, to the way drugs are tested and the diagnosis of medical conditions, works on a model where the male body is the default and the female body is ‘the other’. This is not equality says Dr Sarah Hillman, Academic Clinical Fellow at Warwick Medical School and GP registrar, who wants to see changes in the way that medicine considers women.

Going viral: What are the bacteriophages and how can they help us?

Antibiotics are going to stop working. With a global health crisis on our hands, scientists across the world are now trying to find alternatives to the drugs which have kept us alive for the past decade.

Computers, cancer and care

Professor Nasir Rajpoot completed his PhD in image processing at the University of Warwick in 2001 and began working as a member of the academic staff within the Computer Sciences Department later that year. But when cancer affected his own family, Professor Rajpoot began to consider how he may help the research and diagnosis procedure.

Addressing the crisis facing social care for older people in England

There is a crisis of social care in England, but it was missing from the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement. Dr Juanita Elias and Professor Shirin Rai from the University of Warwick’s department of Politics and International Studies, discuss why this was the case. Did government fear the issue is just too big to tackle, or does it assume someone – normally women – will always step in to take on the job?

The EU Referendum: In conversation

Britain goes to the polls on June 23rd to decide whether it should leave or remain in the European Union. In this article, researchers from each of our four faculties have highlighted some of the pro-leave and pro-remain discussions relating to their different academic disciplines.