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Doctor’s gender a factor in the diagnosis of coronary heart disease

Dr Ann Adams, principal research fellow at the Health Sciences Research Institute, talks about her work which shows that women family doctors are not picking up on an important indicator in the diagnosis of heart disease.  More

Eco One Car in the Community

An environmentally friendly eco-car made from vegetables and designed by students at the University of Warwick has been on tour around Coventry and Warwickshire.

Its first public outing was at the Eden Project in April, but since then Eco One has been on the road meeting school pupils, business leaders and Coventry Ambassadors. Its next stop is a meeting of industry leaders and academics in Birmingham and it will then enjoy a day out at the Royal Show at Stoneleigh in July.

Celebrity Journalist Philip Ball to visit Warwick

Philip Ball, one of the UK's foremost science writers and journalists, visits the Department of Chemistry this week (Thursday 13) in an event which coincides with the launch of his new book Elegant solutions: The ten most beautiful experiments in Chemistry. His lecture will examine some of the more productive, dangerous and ground-breaking experiments that led to some of the biggest breakthroughs in science in their day, with Philip presenting them in true TV presenter style.
Tue 18 Oct 2005, 11:23 | Tags: Chemistry, Celebrities and Personalities

Celebrity Journalist Philip Ball to visit Warwick

Philip Ball, one of the UK's foremost science writers and journalists, visits the Department of Chemistry this week (Thursday 13) in an event which coincides with the launch of his new book Elegant solutions: The ten most beautiful experiments in Chemistry. His lecture will examine some of the more productive, dangerous and ground-breaking experiments that led to some of the biggest breakthroughs in science in their day, with Philip presenting them in true TV presenter style.
Tue 18 Oct 2005, 11:15 | Tags: Chemistry, Celebrities and Personalities

Call for Nominations - Royal Society Scientific Meeting

The Royal Society, the UK's independent scientific academy, is seeking nominations for the Society’s scientific discussion meetings.
Fri 13 Aug 2004, 10:19 | Tags: Business, Sociology, Education, University Affairs, Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Now showing on Research - TV: Polymers to Go.

Professor David Haddleton and his research team, from the Department of Chemistry, are spearheading a new technology for building designer polymers.
Mon 09 Aug 2004, 15:26 | Tags: Business, University Affairs, Chemistry, Medicine and Health

National Science Week Ig Nobels UK Tour 2004

To celebrate National Science Week (beginning Friday 12th March), The Times Higher Education Supplement in partnership with the BA (the British Association for the Advancement of Science) presents The Ig Nobels UK Tour 2004.

Fri 06 Aug 2004, 15:11 | Tags: Research, Sociology, Education, University Affairs, Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Regional Update - Health & Medicine

Warwick has a multiplicity of health and medical activities in the region which can be categorised into teaching and learning, supporting health care delivery and provision, and carrying out research and evaluation.

Department of Chemistry - QAA Developmental Engagement

The Department of Chemistry is celebrating a successful outcome to its Developmental Engagement by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), which took place on 7-8 May 2003. The Department, the only one at Warwick to undergo the new discipline-level review prior to the University's Institutional Audit next March, volunteered to participate, and was delighted with the outcome, which was reported to departmental staff last Thursday.
Thu 29 Jul 2004, 15:03 | Tags: University Services, University Affairs, Chemistry

Fake Plastic Trees

The Faraday Plastics Partnership is a DTI funded initiative run jointly by Warwick Manufacturing Group and Rapra Technology Ltd. The partnership uses the contacts and experience of Manufacturing Group staff to build relationships between the world of academic research and the polymer-using business community.
Thu 29 Jul 2004, 14:04 | Tags: Business Members, Engineering, Chemistry, Art

101 Things to do with a Pumpkin (and other Chemical Adventures)

Last week the Department of Chemistry invited over 70 11-13 year old pupils from local schools to take part in the Salters' Festival of Chemistry. The pupils had a fun-packed hands-on day taking part in different practical experiments including building a chemical stopwatch and problem solving using forensic science.
Thu 29 Jul 2004, 08:39 | Tags: Study, Education, University Affairs, Chemistry, Community

£5 Million Award for Pioneering Project to Train New Breed of Scientists

Warwick University has been awarded £5 Million for a new Life-Sciences Doctoral Training Centre which will educate a new breed of scientists.

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