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Solar power could become cheaper and more widespread

A breakthrough in solar power could make it cheaper and more commercially viable, thanks to research at the University of Warwick.

Army of agents to tackle corrupt officials, tax evaders, terrorists, and botnets as game theory gears up for the chaos of the modern world

Game theory has long been used to apply mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers. Our world of lone wolf terrorists to corrupt officials has evolved, and game theory has evolved with it, thanks to research by the University of Warwick.

Depression’s physical source discovered; potential for new treatments

Understanding of the physical root of depression has been advanced, thanks to research by the University of Warwick, UK, and Fudan University, China.

Better, stronger: polymer breakthrough to improve things we use everyday

Medicine, mobile phones, computers and clothes could all be enhanced using the process for making paint, according to research by the University of Warwick.

Warwick to conduct breakthrough research on oral cancers in Pakistan

One of the deadliest and most prevalent cancers in the Indo-Pakistan region could be treated more effectively, thanks to a new research project being undertaken at the University of Warwick.

Sleep is key to curing chronic pain

‘I won’t be able to cope with my pain if I don’t sleep well’ – research from the University of Warwick reveals that the way chronic pain patients think about pain and sleep leads to insomnia and poor management of pain.

Wed 21 Sept 2016, 11:19 | Tags: Research, University of Warwick, Psychology, sleep

Big pants: not just for Bridget Jones

Bridget Jones first showed us her “absolutely enormous panties” 15 years ago - and since then, global sales of support pants have soared, according to joint research by WMG at the University of Warwick and the University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka.

New study suggests women do ask for pay rises but don’t get them

New research shows that women ask for wage rises just as often as men, but men are 25 per cent more likely to get a raise when they ask.

Tue 06 Sept 2016, 10:17 | Tags: Economics, Research, Social Sciences, Women, industry

It is all in the hips - professional golfers more likely to have different shaped hip joints to most of the population

Lack of success on the fairway may not be due to your swing – it could be your hips that are to blame. New research from the University of Warwick has found that professional golfers are more likely to have different shaped right and left hips compared to the rest of us.

The spectacle of TV explored in new book

From beautiful landscapes to Embarrassing Bodies a new book by a University of Warwick academic examines what makes us stop and stare at the TV.

New milestone in relations between the University of Warwick and China

Top students educated in China will be coming to the UK for their PhD studies, after a landmark agreement was established between the University of Warwick and the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech).

Star’s intense radiation beams whip neighbouring red dwarf

New research from the University of Warwick finds a new type of exotic binary star, in which a rapidly-spinning burnt-out stellar remnant called a white dwarf sweeps powerful beams of particles and radiation over its nearby companion star, causing it to pulse across almost the entire electromagnetic spectrum from the ultraviolet to radio.


Thu 28 Jul 2016, 09:41 | Tags: Astrophysics, Research, Science, Space

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