Latest News
IGGY Global & Gifted Conference
A free conference aimed at teachers and coordinators of gifted and talented secondary school students, with a focus on new international research and developments in gifted and talented education.
Peter Blegvad Wins Sony Award
Peter Blegvad, English and Creative Writing professor, has won a Silver Sony Radio Academy Award for Best Drama with his radiophonic play ‘Use It Or Lose It’.
Universities Week 2012
Universities Week 2012 takes place from 30th April – 7th May and will see universities across the UK taking part in events and activities to showcase the excellence and the achievements of our universities, students, staff and alumni.
The Warwick Higher Education Summit
Policy-makers, students and academics from across the country will be at Warwick on Saturday 28 January for the Warwick Higher Education Summit – a student-organised event about the future of higher education.
Junior Commission Travels to New York
A delegation of 9 Junior Commissioners is travelling to New York on Tuesday 1 November 2011 to take part in a 5 day programme of activities focussing on the future of energy consumption and how to change behaviour. The Junior Commission is part of IGGY, the International Gateway for Gifted Youth. Whilst there, the Commissioners will be meeting with academic, governmental, NGOs, commercial and community groups involved in energy, climate change and sustainability which will provide them with an intensive and broad introduction to research, policy and activity within the energy field.