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The Issue: Does the Government understand what Universities are for?

By Professor Andrew Oswald, Department of Economics

I believe that the members of the present Cabinet, like the Conservatives before them, do not understand what universities are for. They want useful universities — ones that are practical, efficient, and focused on business needs.

Winter Degree Congregation 2002

Friday, January 11: the Winter Degree Congregation - a significant day for 500 graduating students and their families, and a particularly significant day for the University as it marked the last formal duty of our outgoing Chancellor, Sir Shridath Ramphal.

Launch of the Warwick Skills Certificate

The Warwick Skills Certificate was launched on 24 October to academic and administrative staff, students and employers. The Vice-Chancellor, Professor David VandeLinde introduced the Certificate as "reflecting the University’s commitment to offer students the opportunity to recognise, develop and gain credit for those skills required to be reflective self-managed learners, effective graduate employees and active members of society.

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