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Warwick Lowry Lecture

Originally published 17 June 2003

Outgoing TUC General Secretary, John Monks, took the opportunity of the Warwick Lowry Lecture held on 17 March to look both forward and backward to reflect on changes in trade unions' attitudes to Europe and the influence that the European Union has had on employment relations in Britain. John Monks is General Secretary elect of the European TUC and this was one of John's last public lectures before leaving for Brussels.

John's lecture entitled 'A Eurovision at Work' was the second in the series launched last year by Warwick's Industrial Relations Research Unit. The series is named in honour of the late Sir Pat Lowry, who was an honorary professor of WBS and member of its Advisory Board.

Sir Pat was also Chairman of the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service and the current ACAS Chair, Rita Donaghy chaired the lecture.

The Engineering Employers Foundation generously hosted the occasion at their conference centre in London and in his introduction to the evening, Martin Temple, EEF Director-General recalled Sir Pat's service with the Engineering Employers.