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Football managers aren't such tactical geniuses after all

Football managers bringing on substitutes to avoid a shock defeat actually make things worse, according to new research.

The researchers looked at what the bookies’ favourite did in 3,672 matches in the German Bundesliga over 12 seasons from 1998/99 to 2009/10 and 4,560 games in the English Premier League in the 12 seasons from 2000/01 to 2011/12. As well as throwing on subs that didn’t come off, they found that teams heading for a shock defeat were 85 per cent more likely to receive a card for violent conduct. 

Wed 12 Nov 2014, 09:41 | Tags: WBS

New more accurate 'nowcast' using Google Flu Trends

Researchers have found that Google search data really can provide a more accurate real time picture of current flu infections.

Thu 30 Oct 2014, 14:18 | Tags: WBS

Exhibition aims to share social science in Coventry

Dozens of topical issues from the war in Syria and domestic abuse, to breast cancer and cybercrime are set to be covered at an exhibition by students from Warwick and Coventry universities this weekend.

Thu 30 Oct 2014, 11:58 | Tags: WBS, Students

Warwick Business School CatCave inventors win trip to Venice

Five Essex school pupils have just returned from a three-day all-expenses-paid trip to Venice after winning a University of Warwick Dragon’s Den-style competition.

Google searches hold key to future market crashes

A team of researchers from Warwick Business School and Boston University have developed a method to automatically identify topics that people search for on Google before subsequent stock market falls.

Tue 29 Jul 2014, 10:11 | Tags: Stocks, WBS, research, Business

The search for a true monetary value of a life

Researchers from Warwick Business School's Behavioural Science Group and the University of Warwick’s Psychology department have started a four-year study into how these ‘values’ are obtained and how people in surveys come to their ‘value’.

Thu 17 Apr 2014, 13:56 | Tags: WBS, Social Affairs

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