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Green heating and cooling technology turns carbon from eco-villain to hero

Carbon is usually typecast as a villain in terms of the environment but researchers at the University of Warwick have devised a novel way to miniaturise a technology that will make carbon a key material in some extremely green heating products for our homes and in air conditioning equipment for our cars.
Tue 10 Nov 2009, 07:59 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

WBS Students Work With Peace Organisation

Students at Warwick Business School are partnering with the international peace building organisation CORD to help develop their social networking programme as part of their MBA Practice of Management module.
Tue 03 Nov 2009, 15:27 | Tags: Business and Management

Fingerprint Technology Beats World’s Toughest Tests…Including 100s of Builders’ Thumbs

Technology developed by the University of Warwick that can identify partial, distorted, scratched, smudged, or otherwise warped fingerprints in just a few seconds has just scored top marks in the world’s two toughest technical fingerprint tests. The technology is also being rapidly taken up by the UK building trade who are delighted to have fingerprint technology which can cope with the often worn and ravaged builders’ thumbprints.
Sun 25 Oct 2009, 19:37 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

Research suggests UK housing credit binge backed by Government to pay for ageing population

Research at the University of Warwick suggests that the UK housing credit binge was encouraged by the Government to meet the cost of supporting an ageing population.
Thu 16 Jul 2009, 11:11 | Tags: Economics and Finance, Business and Management

Racing car powered by chocolate and steered by carrots takes to the track at Goodwood

A racing car created from potatoes and carrots and powered by chocolate will be put through its paces this weekend at the world’s largest celebration of motorsport.
Fri 03 Jul 2009, 10:05 | Tags: Sciences, Education, Business and Management

National Pensions Savings Scheme could lead to 200,000 job losses and hit small firms hardest

New research by the University of Warwick’s Institute for Employment Research reveals that the UK’s new National Pensions Savings Scheme (NPSS) could lead to the loss of up to 200,000 jobs, the vast majority of which would be in small firms.
Thu 02 Jul 2009, 11:59 | Tags: Economics and Finance, Business and Management

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