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Press Releases

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BAFTA-nominated actor narrates anti-bullying film

A new animated film narrated by the star of the BBC drama In The Flesh highlights the issue of the bullying of disabled children and young people.

Luke Newberry, who also appeared in the 2012 film Anna Karenina and BBC’s Sherlock, has lent his voice to the video which is based on research co-authored by Dr Stella Chatzitheochari from the University of Warwick.

New report reveals hundreds still dying in detention - Commissioner and University of Warwick academic speaks out against deaths

An ongoing culture of secrecy, poor access to specialist mental health services and a lack of high quality independent investigations has contributed to hundreds of non-natural deaths in detention, according to a new report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Fri 18 Mar 2016, 11:49 | Tags: mental health, WMS, Social Affairs

Coventry under the cuts to be examined

The effects of austerity Britain on Coventry & Warwickshire are to be discussed at a public meeting which will bring together local charities, campaigners and academics.

Parents positive about classes

Mums and dads are likely to sign up for parenting classes – but only if there is adequate funding, according to new research.

Academics at the University of Warwick have conducted a three year trial to evaluate the success of the classes proposed by the Government.

Governments must ask people which feelings matter not just ask how happy they are - say economist & former Cabinet Secretary

Governments around the world have been wrestling with attempts to use data on people’s happiness to shape policy and public spending decisions, but they have been missing a crucial step according to new research by University of Warwick economist Professor Andrew Oswald and former Cabinet Secretary Lord (Gus) O’Donnell.  

Tue 13 Oct 2015, 10:48 | Tags: research, Social Affairs, Economics and Finance

Family support more important than pre-school care in securing children’s wellbeing

The government needs to focus as much on supporting deprived and disadvantaged families as it does on increasing the number of hours of free pre-school care if it is to secure the best outcomes for young children, according to new research from the University of Warwick.

Tue 14 Jul 2015, 09:35 | Tags: research, Politics, Social Affairs, Education

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