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Laser Treatment Transforms MDF Producing Startling Image of Rare Wood Grains

Researchers at WMG at the University of Warwick have devised a way of using a laser that transforms MDF giving it a surface finish that looks like some of the most expensive wood grains.
Sun 09 Mar 2008, 20:55 | Tags: Sciences, Business Members

Research Finds Eager International Fan Base For Premier League’s Global Ambitions

Research by Dr Sue Bridgewater of Warwick Business School at the University of Warwick has found a large and eager fan base that she believes would be a ready market for the Premier League’s ambitions to engage with the global market with a number of over eases premiership games.
Sun 24 Feb 2008, 23:37 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members, Sport

Leaders of Digital Revolution to take the campaign to West Midlands business

Three of the country’s leading figures in the development and use of digital media have been signed up to highlight how small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the West Midlands can take advantage of digital media. in a programme organised by the University of Warwick.

Midlands manufacturer finds technological solution to high cost of exporting to US

The low value of the Dollar is causing real problems to companies wanting to export to the US but instead on giving up on that market one Midlands manufacturer has worked with researchers at the University of Warwick to produce a technological  solution to their problem  
Wed 19 Dec 2007, 13:16 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

Midlands Companies and Researchers Lead Development of Environmental Super Material

Researchers at the University of Warwick are working with half a dozen Midlands companies to exploit an environmental wonder material that will soon bring significant energy savings in power systems used in our cars and planes, and even save energy in power generation and transmission system.

Thu 06 Dec 2007, 11:58 | Tags: Sciences, Business Members

Experts Say Consensus Should No Longer Be Deal Breaker in World Trade

The Warwick Commission, a panel of leading specialists on world trade is this week publishing the results of its 10 month study of the state of the world trade system. They are concerned about what they see as a dwindling commitment to multilateralism in global commerce and critical of national political leaders' reliance on "the politics of blame and responsibility avoidance" in trade talks.  They call for an end to the reliance on consensus decision-making in future negotiations; a bigger role for the World Trade Organization in the delivery of Aid for Trade to developing countries; escalating financial compensation as a means to resolve some trade disputes and a high level 'reflection exercise' on the future of the trade system by the members of the WTO.
Thu 06 Dec 2007, 09:41 | Tags: Economics and Finance, Business Members

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