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Scientists from Russia's Oldest University Turn to the University of Warwick

Scientists from Lomonosov Moscow State University will visit Warwick Ventures, a department of the University of Warwick, on 17th December 2002 to tap into Warwick's expertise in transferring new scientific and technological developments into industry.

New Partnership Between Two Leading Advocates of Co-operation Between Universities and Industry

Two of world’s leading advocates of close co-operation between universities and industry have formed a new partnership. The Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), and the University of Warwick’s Warwick Manufacturing Group, have signed an agreement that will double the number of Malaysian students studying each year on the Warwick Manufacturing Group’s Masters degree programmes (from around fifty to one hundred).

Can Entrepreneurship be Taught?

Can entrepreneurship be taught? A group of international professors certainly believe that it can. Far from being hostile to the entrepreneurial instinct eminent academics are launching a new journal with a mission to provide state-of-the-art education for potential innovators.
Mon 26 Jul 2004, 09:49 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

e-Commerce Minister & Midlands SME First in Coffee Queue at New Cyber Cafe for Business

The DTI and the University of Warwick's Warwick Manufacturing Group have created a unique "cyber café for business" designed specifically for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to explore, create and test drive e-business solutions to their business needs.
Mon 26 Jul 2004, 08:25 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

WBS Professor is Awarded an MBE

Professor Linda Dickens, of Warwick Business School, received her MBE from Prince Charles at a Buckingham Palace Investiture last week, 21st November. The MBE was conferred on her in the Queen's Jubilee Honours List for 'services to employment relations.
Fri 23 Jul 2004, 15:41 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

Meet top media entrepreneurs at Warwick's November Masterclass

Delegates to the next Warwick Business School Masterclass at the University of Warwick from 28 - 29 November will have a chance to discover first-hand from leading media entrepreneurs how they exploited rapid change and emerging technological and market opportunities to develop exciting new businesses.
Fri 23 Jul 2004, 11:33 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

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