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WBS Launches European MBA

Warwick Business School is launching the European MBA in partnership with the School of Business Administration at Mannheim University in Germany, and ESSEC (Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales) near Paris, one of the renowned "Grandes Ecoles de Commerce" in France.
Mon 19 Jul 2004, 11:26 | Tags: Education, Business and Management, Business Members

New Research Turns Sewage Farms into Power Plants

Researchers at the University of Warwick's Warwick Process Technology Group have devised a process that turns wet waste from sewage farms and paper mills into a source of power.
Mon 19 Jul 2004, 10:48 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

1.2M European Funding for University of Warwick's New E-Marketing for Engineering SMES Project

The Government Office for the West Midlands has just announced that The University of Warwick's Warwick Manufacturing Group, has won £1,199,919 in European Funding to establish an E-business Collaborative Marketplace for the region's Engineering small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)

UK Manufacturers Buy Largest Number of Robots Since Records Began in 1978

Latest research figures from the University of Warwick show that UK manufacturers installed a record breaking 1 941 robots in 2001- the largest number of new robots ever installed in the UK in any one year since records began in 1978.
Mon 19 Jul 2004, 08:32 | Tags: Sciences, Business and Management, Business Members

New Research on Bank of England's Inflation Forecasts

The Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has been overestimating uncertainty and the risks of higher inflation, according to new research by Professor Ken Wallis of the University of Warwick, presented at the Royal Economic Society's Annual Conference on Tuesday 26 March.
Fri 16 Jul 2004, 10:12 | Tags: Economics and Finance, Business Members

Crown Castle Awards MBA Students at Warwick Business School

For the second year running, full-time MBA students at Warwick Business School have been awarded a prize for innovation from Crown Castle International, a multinational company at the cutting edge of wireless communications technology.

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