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MAN Group builds Midlands’s business leaders through pioneering new programme with WMG

Six senior managers from the UK’s Midlands Assembly Network (MAN) are among the first to complete a new Innovation Business Leadership (IBL) postgraduate programme at WMG, University of Warwick designed to create new Midlands’s business leaders who can bring significant benefits to their businesses.

Thu 24 Sep 2015, 10:49 | Tags: WMG, Engineering, Business, Business and Management, Business Members

Business Support Programme exceeds expectations, helping 1400 West Midlands companies

Yesterday evening (Wednesday 10th June 2015), WMG at the University of Warwick celebrated the completion of its funded programme at the International Institute for Product and Service Innovation. It was announced that the programme had reached 1400 West Midlands companies, with 207 projects completed and as a result 200 jobs had been either safeguarded or created in the region.

Thu 11 Jun 2015, 16:42 | Tags: WMG, Engineering, Business and Management, Business Members

Retail investors overblowing value of high risk stocks

Overconfident and naïve retail investors jump on high risk stocks when market sentiment is optimistic, overblowing their actual value and leading them to underperform, research has found.

Wed 13 May 2015, 14:49 | Tags: WBS, Business, Business and Management

Undecided voters suffering from 'decisional stress'

Many UK voters are suffering ‘decisional stress’ as they try to choose which party to put their cross next to in the General Election.

A recent poll suggested 40 per cent of voters are yet to make up their mind who to vote for, while at the last election in 2010 nearly 35 per cent of the UK didn’t vote.

Wed 06 May 2015, 12:38 | Tags: WBS, Business, Business and Management

Warwick named as Electrical Energy Storage Spoke in £1 billion Advanced Propulsion Centre

The University of Warwick has today, Wednesday 18th March 2015, been named as the "Electrical Energy Storage Spoke" of the government and industry funded £1 billion Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC), to co-ordinate a technical community with a shared interest in battery systems.

Thu 19 Mar 2015, 07:47 | Tags: Technology, WMG, Engineering, Sciences, Business and Management

Ratan Tata & Cyrus Mistry unveil Foundation Stone of £150 million National Automotive Innovation Centre

On Tuesday 17th Mr Ratan N. Tata (Chairman Emeritus of Tata Sons), Cyrus P. Mistry (Chairman of Tata Group) met with Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya the Chairman and Founder of WMG at the University of Warwick and unveiled the foundation stone of the new £150 million National Automotive Innovation Centre on the campus of the University of Warwick.

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