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New C-suite position needed to tackle today’s issues

Serious incidents such as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and factory fires in India and Bangladesh highlight why some companies should create a new ‘Chief External Officer’ role, according to new research.

Wed 04 Mar 2015, 16:34 | Tags: WBS, research, Business and Management

UK and US higher education boosts inward investment

Universities in UK and US are driving Indian firms’ expansion across the globe, new research claims.

Fri 30 Jan 2015, 13:59 | Tags: WBS, Business, Business and Management, Business Members

Vince Cable announces that Warwick will be 1 of the 5 universities to lead the Alan Turing Institute

The University of Warwick is one five universities announced today, Wednesday 28th January, by the Rt. Hon. Dr Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, as leaders of the prestigious new Alan Turing Institute.

Identify HR's role for M&A deals to succeed

HR needs to adapt to the right role for the many different types of mergers and acquisitions to improve the chance of the deal being a success, says new research by Warwick Business School.

Mon 26 Jan 2015, 16:09 | Tags: WBS, Business, Business and Management

WBS join Which? and Design Council to help consumers

A new partnership between Warwick Business School, the Design Council and Which? is looking to help consumers get the best deals and save hundreds of pounds.

Mon 19 Jan 2015, 12:39 | Tags: University of Warwick, research, Business and Management

Having right look helps certain leaders reach the top

Leaders in certain fields are being selected in part because their face fits the stereotype of their profession, suggests new research. In a series of experiments designed to find out how well people could place which industry leaders worked in from their face alone, participants could successfully categorise the leaders in business, sport and the military but found politicians difficult.

Mon 19 Jan 2015, 10:59 | Tags: WBS, Business, Employment, Business and Management

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