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Time-of-day marketing could boost high street

A new marketing strategy could be utilised to help revitalise the UK high street’s flagging fortunes.


Known as ‘Time-of-day services marketing’, it looks to bring the personal touch back to shops and create a unique experience for every variety of shopper.

Wed 30 Oct 2013, 12:14 | Tags: WBS, Business Members

WMG and Jaguar Land Rover take key step to building National Automotive Innovation Campus

The University of Warwick, WMG and Jaguar Land Rover have agreed, and signed, the Heads of Terms for the construction of the National Automotive Innovation Campus.

Research reveals outsourcing R&D abroad boosts innovation

Businesses that outsource research and development (R&D) overseas are more likely to innovate than those who outsource at home, says new research.

Tue 15 Oct 2013, 15:32 | Tags: Business and Management, Business Members

Phones to heat building in £495,000 idea by Midlands SME & University of Warwick

Phones and tablet computers are to be part of a new highly personalised heating and energy economy system thanks to an idea by Midlands company JSJS Designs Ltd, WMG and the Estates Office at the University of Warwick which has just won £495,000 in support from the UK’s innovation agency, the Technology Strategy Board.

Tue 01 Oct 2013, 16:19 | Tags: WMG, Engineering, Environment, Sciences, Business Members

Argos and eBay pilot points to the future of retail

The tie-up between Argos and eBay is the dawn of a new kind of retail environment and could spark more partnerships, according to Associate Professor of Marketing & Strategic Management Scott Dacko.

Wed 25 Sep 2013, 12:21 | Tags: WBS, Business Members

WBS aiming to help local firms make BIG gains

Warwick Business School has re-launched its Business Innovation & Growth (BIG) programme to help boost the performance of local companies.

Thu 19 Sep 2013, 16:05 | Tags: WBS, Business and Management, Business Members

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