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Press Releases

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Godiva Gathers region’s artists and leaders to back City of Culture bid

Imagineer’s 20ft tall mechanical Godiva symbolically welcomed the region’s business and civic leaders to a special event at the University of Warwick’s Warwick Business School.

Tue 22 Mar 2016, 16:28 | Tags: Warwick Business School, community, Campus news

Emotion must be part of a new wave of strategy tools

Evidence from neuroscience shows business managers are living a ‘rationality façade’ by using strategy tools and are missing a key ingredient in decision-making – emotion.

Fri 04 Mar 2016, 13:03 | Tags: Warwick Business School, Business, Business and Management

Downside risks to UK economy have increased

Economic growth in the UK is likely to continue through 2016 and 2017 at the same rate as in 2015, with the most likely outcome being growth of between two and three per cent a year, according to the Warwick Business Forecasting System (WBSFS).

World’s first free online course devoted to the exploration of Literature and Mental Health features exclusive in depth interviews with Sir Ian McKellen, Stephen Fry and Melvyn Bragg

The course; ‘Literature and mental health: Reading for wellbeing’ features exclusive interviews with Sir Ian McKellen, Stephen Fry and Melvyn Bragg who consider how poems, plays and novels can help us understand and cope with times of deep emotional strain in a new free online course at the University of Warwick.

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