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Boris Johnson officially opens WBS London at The Shard

Mayor of London Boris Johnson has officially opened Warwick Business School’s new base at The Shard. More than 100 guests watched Mr Johnson unveil a glass sculpture to commemorate the opening of the new site on the 17th floor of the tallest building in the European Union as part of the University of Warwick's 50th anniversary celebrations.

Thu 04 Jun 2015, 14:43 | Tags: University of Warwick, WBS, Business

Poor management skills hampering growth of SMEs

Many small and medium-sized businesses in the UK are being held back by current levels of management and leadership skills, according to Warwick Business School research.

Tue 26 May 2015, 14:15 | Tags: WBS, research, Business

Midlands people can help design future of our home heating & hot water systems

Researchers at the University of Warwick’s School of Engineering and Warwick Business School are part of a new project that will draw on the opinions of Midlands people to help design future home heating and hot water systems.

Thu 21 May 2015, 16:01 | Tags: WBS, Engineering, Social Affairs, Sciences

Retail investors overblowing value of high risk stocks

Overconfident and naïve retail investors jump on high risk stocks when market sentiment is optimistic, overblowing their actual value and leading them to underperform, research has found.

Wed 13 May 2015, 14:49 | Tags: WBS, Business, Business and Management

Undecided voters suffering from 'decisional stress'

Many UK voters are suffering ‘decisional stress’ as they try to choose which party to put their cross next to in the General Election.

A recent poll suggested 40 per cent of voters are yet to make up their mind who to vote for, while at the last election in 2010 nearly 35 per cent of the UK didn’t vote.

Wed 06 May 2015, 12:38 | Tags: WBS, Business, Business and Management

Did short-selling trigger the financial crash?

Traders who ‘failed to deliver’ on stock market trades during the 2007-08 financial crash have been cleared of causing the collapse of major financial firms such as AIG, Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, according to a Warwick Business School study.

Tue 21 Apr 2015, 13:58 | Tags: WBS, research, Economics and Finance

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