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The University of Warwick Kitchen Kit Market Raises over £5,000 for Charity

Students at The University of Warwick have raised over £5000 for charities supporting refugees and asylum seekers.

Fri 11 Oct 2024, 08:30 | Tags: Charity, Fundraising, Regional, Students, sustainability

Gold medallist joins charity netball tournament at the University of Warwick raising over £32,000

National cancer support charity Look Good Feel Better teamed up with England Netball to host its Annual Charity Netball Tournament at the University of Warwick, raising over £32,000 for people undergoing treatment for cancer.

Fri 22 Mar 2024, 14:00 | Tags: cancer, Charity, Event, fitness, Sport and Wellness Hub

Coventry locals help build new miscarriage support tool

Researchers have developed a new tool to guide miscarriage care for pregnant women using data from Coventry people.

Warwick University Estates Team gives Leamington school a lockdown makeover

The University of Warwick’s Estates team has completed a redecoration and maintenance project at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School in Leamington Spa during lockdown.

The Crisis Project: Letters to the NHS

The Crisis Project: Letters to the NHS was set up by first year University of Warwick Maths Student Soumya Krishna Kumar, in a bid to encourage members of the public to write bespoke letters to keyworkers, recognising them for their individual efforts during the pandemic.

Rashid Bhayat, founder of the Positive Youth Foundation, receives honorary doctorate from The University of Warwick

The University of Warwick has honoured social entrepreneur and youth charity leader, Rashid Bhayat, with an honorary doctorate.

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