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University of Warwick announces new partnership with Tech West Mids

The University of Warwick has announced a new partnership with Tech West Mids (Tech WM), a not-for-profit organisation that aims to help tech businesses and entrepreneurs in the region go global.

Wed 17 May 2023, 14:20 | Tags: Technology, Business, innovation, Levelling up

Levelling Up Secretary hails region's 'visionary local leaders' as West Midlands Deeper Devolution Deal confirmed at Warwick

The Levelling Up Secretary and West Midlands Mayor Andy Street have signed a landmark deeper devolution deal for the region at the University of Warwick today, marking a seismic shift in power, funding and responsibility from Whitehall to the West Midlands.

Tue 21 Mar 2023, 07:43 | Tags: WMG, Politics, tax, Warwickshire, Levelling up