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Best practice for researching with child language learners explored in new book

The ethical practices, dilemmas and challenges of classroom research involving child language learners are the focus of a new book edited by Dr Annamaria Pinter of the University of Warwick and Dr Harry Kuchah of the University of Leeds. Ethical and Methodological Issues in Researching Young Language Learners in School Contexts offers a rich tapestry of insights from a selection of research projects around the world, in the hope of contributing to shaping research, teacher education and teaching practices in a positive way.

Reset ethics: supporting ethical decision-making in non-Covid health services during and after the pandemic

University of Warwick medical ethics researchers are involved in a new project that will examine the issues of resetting NHS services following the suspension of all but essential services during lockdown.

Mon 07 Sep 2020, 11:05 | Tags: research, WMS, ethics, Warwick Medical School, Health and Medicine

Manels, Wanels and vacuuming - can conferences be more inclusive?

A ground-breaking collection of papers examining gender, conference participation, and academic progress across the globe has been co-edited by Warwick researcher Dr Emily Henderson. Thoughtful Gatherings, a special issue of the academic journal Gender and Education, is the first collection of gender and feminist scholarship specifically focusing on conferences and includes papers from the US, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and India.

Striking the right balance between secrecy and accountability when undercover policing goes wrong

Police and security agencies need to work harder to defend their decision to maintain secrecy when historic police misconduct and abuse of power come under scrutiny, according to a new analysis of the legal arguments called upon to justify a kneejerk non-disclosure policy.