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Personality traits relate to being a morning or evening person at both the phenotypic and genetic level

The link between the different hierarchies of personality, sleep patterns and even genetics has been discovered by researchers from the Department of Psychology at the University of Warwick.

Tue 22 Jun 2021, 12:03 | Tags: genes, psychology, Sciences, sleep

Chemical memory in plants affects chances of offspring survival

Researchers at the University of Warwick have uncovered the mechanism that allows plants to pass on their ‘memories’ to offspring, which results in growth and developmental defects.

Scientists develop genetic ‘monitors’ that detect when genes are active

Genetic sensors that can detect the activity from genes, rather than just the genes themselves, have been developed by a team led by University of Warwick scientists.

Mon 26 Oct 2020, 15:17 | Tags: Life Sciences, School of Life Sciences, Sciences, genes, CRISPR