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Chemical memory in plants affects chances of offspring survival

Researchers at the University of Warwick have uncovered the mechanism that allows plants to pass on their ‘memories’ to offspring, which results in growth and developmental defects.

UK Vegetable Genebank celebrates 40 years

The UK Vegetable Genebank (UKVGB), part of Warwick Crop Centre on the University of Warwick’s Wellesbourne Campus, celebrates its 40th anniversary next week.

Infectious diseases to be detected and prevented thanks to £4m grant

Infectious diseases could be detected, prevented and controlled thanks to a new £4m grant from the NIHR to the University of Warwick. Researchers will work with partners to develop the use of cutting edge genomics to protect public health.

Beer and fodder crop has been deteriorating for 6000 years

The diversity of the crop Sorghum, a cereal used to make alcoholic drinks, has been decreasing over time due to agricultural practice. To maintain the diversity of the crop and keep it growing farmers will need to revise how they manage it.

The milkweed bug’s orange wings and DNA: how insects’ diets are revealed by the genome

An international collaboration of researchers, including from the School of Life Sciences at the University of Warwick, have sequenced the genome of the milkweed bug, enabling scientists to understand at the molecular level what makes the bug, from its colourful development to its toxic diet.

Tue 02 Apr 2019, 08:02 | Tags: School of Life Sciences, genome, Sciences