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They like to move it move it! Lemur communication shows how humans evolved to create music

A type of lemur which communicates in rhythmic song shows how humans have evolved to create music, according to researchers at The University of Warwick.

Wed 26 Jun 2024, 13:32 | Tags: Evolution music psychology 1 - Research

Scientists use X-rays to reveal ancient secrets this National Dinosaur Day

Researchers are shedding light on our ancient prehistoric world using state-of-the art X-ray technology. This World Dinosaur Day, scientists are revealing the hidden bones of the Harbury Ichthyosaur – providing clues to dinosaur anatomy, physiology and evolution.

Thu 01 Jun 2023, 11:15 | Tags: Dinosaur, Evolution, WMG, x-ray

Ape ‘vocabularies’ shaped by social mingling — like in humans

Social mingling shapes and transforms the ‘vocabularies’ of apes, just like in humans, according to new research led by the University of Warwick.

Tue 22 Mar 2022, 11:12 | Tags: conservation, Evolution, psychology, University of Warwick

Great apes' consonant and vowel-like sounds travel over distance without losing meaning

Scientists have shown that orangutan call signals believed to be closest to the precursors to human language, travel through forest over long distances without losing their meaning. This throws into question the accepted mathematical model on the evolution of human speech according to researchers from the University of Warwick.

Wed 29 Sept 2021, 22:57 | Tags: Evolution, psychology, speech

Identified: A mechanism that protects plant fertility from stress

As Temperatures rise due to global warming the need to protect plants from stressful conditions has increased, as stress can cause a loss in yield and cause further impact economically. A consortium led by the University of Warwick have successfully identified two proteins that protect crops from stress, which is key in safeguarding food production.

Mon 01 Mar 2021, 10:08 | Tags: Evolution, Plants, School of Life Sciences, Sciences, climate change

Chemical memory in plants affects chances of offspring survival

Researchers at the University of Warwick have uncovered the mechanism that allows plants to pass on their ‘memories’ to offspring, which results in growth and developmental defects.

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