Warwick takes forward partnership with goal of Californian campus
Following the recommendation of its Senate and the approval of its Council the University of Warwick is taking forward a partnership with the University Development Trust to develop teaching and research, and a physical presence for Warwick, in California.
The phased project will first develop teaching in a small number of postgraduate courses that would be offered in interim accommodation. As the project then develops dedicated teaching facilities will be created and undergraduate students will be admitted across a range of subjects. The aim would be to have a campus supporting around 6000 students by 2031.
This opportunity has arisen through the generosity and vision of its donors and the University Development Trust. University Development Trust is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that has had a high-level mission focused on educating and informing the American public. Currently, its marquee project is its effort in Placer County, California to develop and start operations of a world class university offering research alongside taught degree curriculum on the 1,159 acres it received as a donation in December of 2012 from the Angelo K. and Sofia Tsakopoulos Family, William and Claudia Cummings, the Wayne L. Prim Family and more than 40 partners in the Placer 2780 Partnership. The Trust is providing 600 acres of land for the campus and the funding to take forward the initiative which University Development Trust sees as its key project.
Kyriakos Tsakopoulos, Co-Chairman of University Development Trust, said:
“It is thrilling that the University of Warwick, one of the premier world universities, has taken the first official step to establish a new campus in our region”
I am confident that Warwick, which achieved astounding world class success since its founding in England in 1965, will match that success in vibrant Northern California.”
The new campus will be located in Placer County. Placer County is a leader in the greater Sacramento Region and is one of California’s fastest growing counties. The county’s largest city, Roseville, is about 20 miles from Sacramento and 80 miles northeast of San Francisco, California.
Kirk Uhler, Chairman of the Placer County Board of Supervisors said:
“This is a momentous achievement for the Sacramento region. Having a university of Warwick’s international renown, especially in the areas of business and research and development, is a huge step forward in meeting the needs of our current and future residents and businesses,” said Kirk Uhler, Chairman of the Placer County Board of Supervisors. “I want to thank the faculty and staff of Warwick for having the courage to move forward, and thank the Tsakopoulos family and their partners for having the vision and commitment to create this incredible opportunity.”
University of Warwick’s Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Sir Nigel Thrift said:
“This is a welcome opportunity for staff and students at Warwick which draws on, and builds on, Warwick’s academic success and its successful strategy to develop as a globally networked university. A university that exists in many locations, does research in many locations, and produces globally aware students able to thrive wherever in the world they decide to study, research and work. The University of Warwick in California will deliver teaching, and ultimately research, of the highest quality, further extending and accelerating Warwick’s global reach and reputation.”
The University of Warwick’s Provost, Professor Stuart Croft said:
“The University’s Senate and Council have had a series of considered and detailed discussions examining this wonderful opportunity, and I am very pleased that they have both given their support for this exciting initiative. What struck me strongly in those debates, particularly in this the University's 50th anniversary year, was a recurring emphasis on Warwick's pioneering spirit and a wish to stay true to that spirit. Of course we have a lot of work ahead in order to create the planned campus, but it is an extraordinarily powerful plan and vision.”
Warwick’s Senate and its Council have agreed on a plan that sets a series of gateway points in the autumns of 2016, 2018 and 2020 which will provide Warwick’s Senate and the Council with the opportunities to formally review the progress at each stage and to recommend continuation, or remaining at the project’s then current level of development.
For further information please contact:
For the University of Warwick:
Peter Dunn, Director of Press and Policy, University of Warwick,
email: p.j.dunn@warwick.ac.uk
Calling from UK: Tel: 024 76 523708 (office) or 07767 655860 (mobile/cell)
Calling from US: Tel: +44 24 76 523708 (office) or +44 7767 655860 (mobile/cell)
For the University Development Trust:
Bill Halldin, President, Halldin Public Relations Inc.
email: bill@halldinpr.com
Calling from the UK: +1-916-781-0657 (office) or +1-916-718-1251 (mobile/cell)
Calling from the US: 916-781-0657 (office) or 916-718-1251 (mobile/cell)
PR30 PJD 12 February 2015