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Books by University Authors

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Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic chemistry stands alongside physical and organic chemistry as one of three central pillars of an undergraduate chemistry course. Shriver and Atkins' Inorganic Chemistry fourth edition reaffirms the position of this text at the heart of any student's chemistry education, offering more stimulation, more insights, and more support to help students grasp the fundamentals of this subject than ever before.
Tue 20 Jun 2006, 15:08 | Tags: Sciences

Managing Your Academic Career

Contemporary academic life poses a number of challenges to new entrants in the humanities and social sciences, who are expected to balance the demands of research, teaching and management. Managing Your Academic Career draws on interviews with a cross-section of young academics entering the profession today to identify the predominant issues and concerns as they begin to juggle the various components of the job.
Tue 13 Jun 2006, 09:55 | Tags: Social Studies, Arts, University Management

Person-Centred Counselling in a Nutshell - Roger Casemore

Person-Centred Counselling in a Nutshell, part of the Counselling in a Nutshell Series, provides a short, accessible guide to one of the most popular approaches to counselling. Based on the ideas of Carl Rogers, the approach's main premise is that clients know themselves better than anyone else. It is the job of the person-centred practitioner to enable the client to discover and utilise their inner resources in order to change and grow.
Thu 30 Mar 2006, 11:10 | Tags: Counselling

Teaching Young Language Learners - Annamaria Pinter

This comprehensive guide combines up-to-date research with principles of classroom practice. It provides an accessible overview of the issues surrounding the teaching of young learners, covering skills, vocabulary and grammar, learning to learn, adapting and designing materials, planning and assessment, policy decisions, and research.
Mon 20 Feb 2006, 16:43 | Tags: Social Studies

The Larger Moths of Warwickshire

Open Studies tutor, David Brown, has had life's work published in the form of a 300 page hardback book. 'The Larger Moths of Warwickshire' displays 16 pages of full colour pictures of moths and their habitats.
Mon 06 Feb 2006, 12:38

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