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Dr Poonam Aulak

Dr Poonam Aulak joined the Department of WMG, at the University of Warwick in July 2023. Poonam has been an active member of the Hindu faith community at Shree Geeta Bhawan Mandir, in Birmingham since it opened in the early 1980s. Poonam has a keen interest in the Ramayana by Valmiki and Tulsi Das, Srimad Bhagavatam and the Bhagavad Geeta. In particular, how the verses and narrative can be applied to real-life situations, for guidance, prayer and practice.

Poonam’s interests lie in reading spiritual texts, attending Satsang’s and various cultural events, such as ISKCON seminars, Balaji Temple festivities and prayer groups. Visiting Hindu temples and nature walks are the small pleasures Poonam looks forward to. Spending time with family in the UK and on holiday is always a blessing.

Please contact Poonam on email

poonam dot aulak at warwick dot ac dot uk