WAPTE: Process and terms

WAPTE: Process and terms
The nominations process for the Warwick Awards for Personal Tutoring Excellence (WAPTE), the terms of the awards and what happens if you win.
Stage 1 - nominations
We welcome nominations from students, staff and also joint student/staff nominations.
These should follow the awards criteria and be submitted by the stated deadline.
A panel of judges, chaired by the Dean of Students, will evaluate all Stage One nominations and produce a shortlist to proceed to Stage Two.
All nominees will be contacted at this point to be informed of the outcome.
Stage 2 - shortlist
Shortlisted nominees will be invited to participate in Stage Two.
All shortlisted individuals will be asked to complete and submit a Finalist Supporting Statement.
Any shortlisted colleague who does not submit a Finalist Supporting Statement by the stated deadline will be removed from the judging process and the next eligible candidate will be asked to join.
Finalist Supporting Statements should be no more than 1000 words in length and address the awards criteria in more detail.
Heads of Department will also need to provide a supporting statement of 250-500 words.
All completed paperwork should be returned to wapte@warwick.ac.uk by the stated deadline.
Shortlisted nominees may wish to read this Guidance on writing the Stage Two supporting statement.
Winners will be notified of the panel's decision, which is binding and final, and the announcements will be made on this website and through in:site.
Working with winners
As part of our commitment to raising the profile of personal tutoring excellence in the University, WAPTE winners will be expected to disseminate their work in this area more widely in collaboration with the Dean of Students Office. The format of this is flexible and may include:
- Short video interviews
- Articles
- Presentations at University events
- Facilitating workshops
Any content generated may be added to webpages and used in other publicity materials.
The Warwick Awards for Personal Tutoring Excellence process is chaired by the Dean of Students, and administered by the Dean of Students Office.
WAPTE is supported by a selection panel comprised of members of the Dean of Students Office team and a representative of the Students' Union. All decisions made through the process are final.
All nominations will be treated in strict confidence and names of nominators will not be shared with nominees.