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Revised Timetable for U1 and U12 Stagecoach Bus Services from 13th February 2021

Due to an unprecedented reduction in passengers using the U1 and U12 bus services operated by Stagecoach from Leamington Spa to Main Campus, coupled with the impact on the environment operating almost empty buses, the University has agreed to a request from Stagecoach to reduce the number of buses operating on these services from 13th February until further notice.

Stagecoach will continue to monitor passenger demand after this date and has agreed with the University that if circumstances change and there is an increase in demand from our students and staff to travel between Leamington Spa and Main Campus they will respond immediately and increase the services as necessary.

We will of course update you when there are any revisions of the timetable for these two bus services.

Click here to access the amended timetable.

Tue 09 Feb 2021, 14:57 | Tags: Roads and parking Campus