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Estates: Latest news

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Partial closure of University road & pathways: Sunday 17th September

On Sunday 17th September, there will be a partial closure of University Road and surrounding pathways outside the Oculus to allow the safe operation of a crane onto the building. During the crane operation period, pedestrians will need to follow the diversion signs to enter/exit Central Campus frontages & no vehicle access will be permitted.

Vehicles departing campus will be required to exit via Lord Bhattacharyya Way past the junction near Car Park 8 & 8a.

Wed 13 Sep 2023, 08:25 | Tags: Roads and parking Buildings Maintenance

Temporary road closure on Academic Loop Road: Saturday 10th June AM

Between 8am – 1pm, Saturday 10th June, vehicle traffic will not be able to enter on Academic Loop Road past Car Park 15 due to essential works involving a crane lift on the Zeeman building. All vehicle traffic will be directed towards University Road if they are not heading towards Car Park 15. If you are expecting to arrive between this time, please park in alternative parking facilities.

Limited access to Car Parks 8, 8a & the Claycroft service yard will be provided for essential requirements only; please talk to a traffic marshal who will be able to offer guidance. If you are provided access within the controlled or restricted areas, please ensure you keep your vehicle speed at 5mph or below due to the road layout and existing traffic restrictions.

Image of the closure arrangements for Academic Loop Road

Wed 07 Jun 2023, 13:28 | Tags: Roads and parking Buildings Outdoor spaces Estates people

Gibbet Hill PV panels installation: Site Set Up Notification

Evo will be on site from the 12 April - 17 April installing PV panels on the roof of the building. Access is needed to make the final connection into the substation, though we would anticipate this being done on a weekend to minimise disruption.

Fri 26 Mar 2021, 10:05 | Tags: Buildings Outdoor spaces

Opening our new Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Building

The IBRB is now complete, bringing to life the University’s commitment to delivering world-leading research in neuroscience, microbiology and infection, cell biology, and disease models. Learn more about this impressive new building and hear from some of the people who'll be using it.

Wed 24 Mar 2021, 17:50 | Tags: Buildings Sustainability Campus

Temporary Closure of Sections of Car Park 10 - Monday 22nd March - Tuesday 23rd March

On Monday 22/03/2021 and Tuesday 23/03/2021, sections of the car park to the rear of Physics and MASB will be closed to safely allow the replacement of the large liquid nitrogen vessels at physics. Articulated lorries and cranes are required to remove and install the vessels and for the protection of people and vehicles, the car park must close for 2 days. Regrettably, this also means includes some of the accessible bays within the car park. For the duration of the temporary closure, blue badge holders unable to make use of other accessible bays in the area may straddle 2 standard bays within the open section of the car park, but must still display their valid blue badge. Pedestrian diversions will also be in place to divert via the footpath along Gibbet Hill Road.

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