1.4 Committees of the University
The Council is the executive governing body of the University with particular managerial responsibilities for finance and the University estate, and also a more general remit to oversee the conduct of University business in conjunction with the Senate. The Council, which meets up to five times each year, is chaired by Sir David Normington, and has a full membership of 21, a majority of whom are independent members drawn from the professions, business and industry, and local authorities, who bring a range of experience and professional expertise to the work of the University. More information on the Council, its membership and terms of reference can be found here.
The Senate is the supreme academic authority of the University. Whilst the Council is ultimately accountable for the efficient management and good conduct of all aspects of the University's operation, within that the Senate has responsibility for the academic activities of the University including all aspects of the operations of the University that have a bearing on teaching, research and the welfare, supervision and discipline of students. More information on the Senate, its membership and terms of reference can be found here.
Committees Reporting into the Senate and the Council
A full list of the committees reporting into the Council and the Senate can be found on the Governance webpages.
A diagrammatic representation of the University's committee structure is available here.
University Executive Board
The University Executive Board (UEB) and its committees are responsible for the executive management of the University, including formulation and implementation of the University's Strategy, direction of resources to support the Strategy, risk management and compliance. More information on the UEB, its membership and terms of reference can be found here.
The Assembly of the University has the power to:
Appoint six members to the Senate, of whom: four should be academic staff, and two should be professional services staff;
Make recommendations to the Council or to the Senate on any matter relating to the University, including any matters referred to it by the Council or by the Senate.
More information on the Assembly, its membership and terms of reference can be found here.