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Quality and Standards Subcommittee

The Quality and Standards Subcommittee has responsibility for developing robust and inclusive policy foundations to secure academic standards, secure regulatory compliance and to ensure continuous improvement in education quality – including in relation to student complaints, appeals, discipline and professional practice. The Subcommittee has a remit across and champions the breadth of the University's taught programmes and modes of delivery and works closely with the Postgraduate Research Subcommittee to ensure a coherence of approach across taught and research degrees.

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Jump down to Terms of ReferenceTerms of Reference
Jump down to Reporting StructureReporting Structure
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Membership 2024/25

Co-Chairs (Nominated by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)

Professor Andy Clark, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education Policy)

Professor Will Curtis, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education Quality and Standards)

Other ex-officio academic leads  

Chair or Deputy Chair of the Postgraduate Research Subcommittee

Professor Dan Branch

Chair or Deputy Chair of the Learning and Teaching Subcommittee

Professor Lorenzo Frigerio (interim)

Chair or Deputy Chair of the Student Success Subcommittee

Professor Beccy Freeman

Chair of the Regulations and Policy Review Panel

Professor Andy Clark

Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education and International)

Professor Jo Angouri

Academic Director (Postgraduate Taught)

Lee Griffin

Head of Department, Academic Development Centre

Professor Letizia Gramaglia

Ex-officio PS leads


Director of Education Policy and Quality or nominee

Dan Derricott

Director of Student Administrative Services or nominee

Andrew Higgins

University Librarian or nominee

Anna O'Neill

Head of Portfolio - Teaching and Learning, IDG, or nominee

Rachael Johnson

Director of Conduct and Resolution

Helen Knee

Student members

Students' Union Vice-President (Postgraduate)

Alijah Taha

Two non-sabbatical student representatives appointed by the Senate Nominations Panel from amongst nominations by the Students’ Union – comprising one undergraduate student and one postgraduate taught student

James Kimmins (Faculty Rep UG - SEM)


Representatives of the faculties - Faculty Deputy Chair (Education) or nominee

Dr Marta Guerriero (Arts)

Professor Georgia Kremmyda (Science, Engineering and Medicine)

Dr Laura Gelhaus (Social Sciences)

Experts in highly regulated provision


Expert in the regulation of medical education

Dr Helen Nolan

Expert in the regulation of engineering education

Professor Georgia Kremmyda

Expert in the regulation of degree apprenticeship

Dr Sam Hardy

Expert in Online Programme Delivery

Professor Phil Young

Experts in managing educational partnerships


Expert in managing domestic validation partnerships [internal member of staff or external/independent expert]

Professor John Davey

Expert in managing international partnerships [internal member of staff or external/independent expert]

Gareth Roberts

One Departmental Director of Education from each Faculty, appointed by the Senate Nominations Panel

Dr Gavin Schwartz-Leeper (Arts)

Dr Neil Evans (Science, Engineering & Medicine)

Dr Claudia Rei (Social Sciences)

Four members of staff from the University Community, the majority of whom shall be academic staff, appointed by the Senate Nominations Panel

Professor Ross Ritchie

Dr Emily Biggs

Dr Leda Mirbahai

Dr Alexa Kirkaldy

In attendance:

Secretary (Nominated by the Director of Education Policy and Quality)

Lauren Baker, Head of Education Quality and Partnerships, EPQ

Assistant Secretary (Nominated by the Director of Education Policy and Quality)

Rob Stevens, Policy Advisor (Curriculum and Partnerships), EPQ

SU support

Student Voice Manager, Warwick SU

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Terms of Reference

To approve:

1. A long-term roadmap for the work of the Subcommittee, its panels, faculties and professional services that achieves shared priorities for academic standards and quality assurance, guided by the Education and Student Experience Strategy.

2. The specification, implementation plan, guidance, and outcomes of quality assurance processes for taught provision detailed in the Education Quality Framework.

3. Decisions on the outcomes and actions arising from assessments of the quality of education – at module, programme, department or institution level – based upon the expert findings, advice and recommendations from approval panels, review panels, PSRBs, and external examiners/assessors.

4. New and revised modules, programmes and educational partnerships leading to the award of a University of Warwick qualification. These decisions are typically delegated to the Subcommittee’s approval panels, except where more complex or high-risk proposals are escalated for further review by the Subcommittee.

5. A schedule for the regular review and maintenance of academic regulations and policy, guided by the expectations of the University’s overarching Framework for Academic Regulations and Policy.

6. The terms of reference, nominations for membership, delegated authority, and forthcoming priorities of bodies reporting to it.

To recommend:

7. [To Education and Student Experience Committee and the SenateLink opens in a new window] The University’s overarching Framework for Academic Regulations and Policy, defining how regulations and policies are organised and the common principles underpinning them.

8. [To Education and Student Experience CommitteeLink opens in a new window and the SenateLink opens in a new window] The content of the University’s Regulations relating to Education and Students.

9. [To Education and Student Experience CommitteeLink opens in a new window] Policies and Sub-Strategies of work in support of the Education and Student Experience Strategy, as they relate to qualifications, academic standards, education quality, quality assurance, educational partnerships, consumer protection, and student conduct and contention.

10. [To Education and Student Experience CommitteeLink opens in a new window] The University’s Education Quality Framework, setting out the overarching approach and principles of quality assurance and enhancement.

11. [To Education and Student Experience CommitteeLink opens in a new window] The University’s Qualifications and Credit Framework, including the characteristics and requirements for award of every University of Warwick qualification, whether credit-bearing or not.

12. Policy in relation to external quality assessment operations including guidance and requirements issued by government, principal regulators, inspectorates, and Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies.

To receive:

13. Analysis and recommended actions arising from national and international legislation, regulation and frameworks as they relate to higher education qualifications, academic standards, educational quality and quality assurance.

14. Assurance reporting from testing the implementation and impact of approved regulations, policies and quality assurance mechanisms relevant to the Subcommittee’s remit.

15. Thematic and trend analysis of the outcomes from quality assurance processes, student outcomes data and other evaluative sources to inform the review and continuous improvement of the University’s regulations and policies.

16. Reports on other matters specifically referred to it by the Education and Student Experience Committee or other committee of the Senate.

To report:

17. [To Education and Student Experience CommitteeLink opens in a new window] Progress towards the implementation of the Education and Student Experience Strategy and its supporting strategies, plans and programmes of work as they relate to the Subcommittee’s remit.

18. [To Education and Student Experience CommitteeLink opens in a new window, Senate Link opens in a new windowand CouncilLink opens in a new window] Holistic analysis of compliance, risk and areas for improvement in relation to OfS Conditions of Registration on academic standards and assessment.

19. [To Education and Student Experience CommitteeLink opens in a new window and University Executive BoardLink opens in a new window] Regular assessments of live risks, mitigations and any escalation needed in relation to academic standards, education quality and regulatory compliance, with a particular focus on provision that is inherently higher risk.

Provides assurance on:

OfS Conditions of Registration:

A1: Access and participation (APP)

B1: Academic experience

B2: Resources, support and student engagement

B3: Student outcomes

B4: Assessment and awards (and English proficiency)


PSRB requirements

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Reporting Structure

The Quality and Standards Subcommittee reports to the Education and Student Experience Committee

The following committees report to the Quality and Standards Subcommittee:

  • Joint Accreditation Board (UCB/Warwick)
  • Curriculum Approval Panel (previously the Course Proposal Scrutiny Panel)
  • Senate Awarding Panel (comprising the former Senate Sub-Group (for Advice on policy
    and process development), Special Cases Committee, Aegrotat and Posthumous Awards Committee)
  • Academic Integrity Panel (T4)
  • Continuation of Registration Panel (UG & PG) (T4)
  • Student Discipline Panel (T4) [Discipline Committee]
  • Student Discipline Appeals Panel (T4)
  • Fitness to Practise Panel (MBChB) (T4)
  • Fitness to Practise Panel (non-MBChB)) (T4)
  • Appeals Panel (UG/PGT/PGR) (T4)
  • Academic Regulations and Policy Review Panel
  • Apprenticeships Oversight Panel (previously AWBL Steering Group)
  • Educational Partnerships Oversight Panel

Click here to see a diagrammatic representation of the Committee Structure.

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Secretary: Lauren Baker (

Assistant Secretary: Rob Stevens (

Please use the following email address to communicate with the Quality and Standards Subcommittee secretariat QSS at warwick dot ac dot uk

Notification of papers for consideration by the Quality and Standards Subcommittee should be submitted to the Secretary three weeks in advance and the paper should be submitted two weeks in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered.

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Meetings of the Quality and Standards Subcommittee are published in the committee timetable.

Click here to access minutes of previous meetings.

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You may also wish to visit:

Education Policy & Quality webpages