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Key Library services

 General contacts

Main Library: library at warwick dot ac dot uk
My Library Accounts queries: mylibraryaccount at warwick dot ac dot uk
Academic Support: academicsupport at warwick dot ac dot uk
Learning Grid & BioMed Grid: learninggrid at warwick dot ac dot uk
Teaching Grid: teachinggrid at warwick dot ac dot uk
Wolfson Research Exchange: researchexchange at warwick dot ac dot uk
Modern Records Centre: archives at warwick dot ac dot uk
Warwick Research Archive Portal: wrap at warwick dot ac dot uk
Research data: researchdata at warwick dot ac dot uk
Open Access funding: openaccessfund at warwick dot ac dot uk
Postgraduate Hub: PGHub at warwick dot ac dot uk
Document Supply: dsmail at warwick dot ac dot uk
Postal Loans: postalloans at warwick dot ac dot uk
Photocopying: photocopysupervisor at warwick dot ac dot uk
Scanning: clascan at warwick dot ac dot uk
Internal Store: librarystore at warwick dot ac dot uk
External Store: libextstore at warwick dot ac dot uk
EndNote Online: endnoteweb at warwick dot ac dot uk

 Finance Manager

Joanna Mourant

j dot mourant at warwick dot ac dot uk

 Human Resources

PMAdministration at warwick dot ac dot uk

 IT & digital support

This group provides support to the Library reporting into various managers within IDG.

Website Manager


In the interim period, please email for all website enquiries.

 Senior Management


Library Manager

Anna O’Neill
anna dot oneill at warwick dot ac dot uk
024 765 23033

Librarian's Personal Assistant

Andy Harvey
andy dot harvey at warwick dot ac dot uk
024 765 23033

 Associate Director and Head of Research and Academic Services

Sofia Fernandes
sofia dot s dot fernandes at warwick dot ac dot uk

 Associate Director and Head of Learner Services

Liz Gardner
e dot gardner dot 1 at warwick dot ac dot uk
024 765 75792

 Associate Director and Head of Learner Services

Stuart Dempster
Currently away from work