Using the Library
Your Library is so much more than the physical spaces and books. We want you to be able to access everything you need - services, spaces or collections – and make the most of what we have to offer.

Help using the Library
We are here to help you make the most of your visit. Whether you need help finding the right resources or more practical information such as borrowing or managing your account or finding resources.
Further help
- Contact one of our teams
- Specialist subject support
- Students as carers: Library services which may assist you whilst studying at Warwick

Find out about the wide variety of study spaces and environments the Library has to offer whether you wish to work independently or collaboratively.
- Rules, regulations and Code of Conduct
- Personal safety and security
- Find your way around - Library floor plans

Collections and resources
We have a wealth of resources available in a wide variety of formats to help you in your studies or research. To find the resources you need, use Library Search, and then explore.
And, if we don’t have what you are looking for:

Visit the Library
Just visiting? Have a look at resources and services available to help you to make the most of your visit.
Quick links