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Extra Library space - Term 3 - you said, we did

The Library has listened to your concerns about study spaces, and has tried hard to provide more of what you need during exam season in Term 3. Here are some of things we’ve been working on:

You said: More silent study space is needed where I can work with my laptop.

We did: Due to increased demand for silent study space and to make sure our facilities were being used to their full potential, we analysed user behaviours within our existing Silent Study Rooms. We found that the space in Silent Study Room 2 was under-utilised due to the restrictions in the use of technology. Based on the analysis, we implemented some changes to our silent study provision in Term 2, which will remain in place throughout Term 3.

We made Silent Study Rooms 1 and 2 areas where laptops can be used, and opened up 2 further Silent Study Rooms to support those that require to study in silence in a laptop free zone.

In total, we now have 4 Silent Study Rooms:

  • Silent Study Room 1: 93-seater study space where technology can be used
  • Silent Study Room 2: 93-seater study space where technology can be used (not all desks have power access
  • Silent Study Room 3: 8-seater study space for students who wish to use tablets, iPads and kindles
  • Silent Study Room 4: 7-seater space for those who wish to read books or write

You said: More quiet study space is needed in the PG Hub.

We did: PG Hub rooms 1 and 2 will be set out for additional quiet study throughout Term 3.

You said: Rootes Learning Grid is a popular choice for study – could more space be made available?

We did: To support you during term 3 we are reconfiguring the layout of the grid and creating:

  • 24 additional study spaces in the Presentation Rooms which will be available as individual quiet study areas
  • 18 additional individual study spaces will be set up in the Collaboration space

You said: The Main Library is extremely popular, particularly the quiet areas on floors 3, 4 and 5, where spaces are in high demand

We did: We listened to your comments and have made available (in repeat of previous years):

  • 35 extra spaces for quiet study in the Training Room on floor 2 of the Library until midnight each day when it is not required for Library training events. Check the timetable on the door for availability
  • Whilst we cannot create any additional spaces on the Libraries upper floors, we have reconfigured areas on Floors 1 and 2, creating 8 additional study spaces

You said: It’s really frustrating when people reserve desk space with their belongings so other people can’t use it

We did: We asked the Library community to be considerate of one another and use the space fairly through our improved Space Hog campaign.

You said: It’s hard to know which areas in the Library have space available

We did: We created the Space Availability traffic light system to flag which areas you can find empty spaces.

Study space logoYou said: It’s hard to find out where alternative study spaces around campus have been created for term 3.

We did: We are working closely with other campus teams to promote additional study spaces made available exclusively throughout term 3. More information about alternative campus space

    • The Oculus
    • Lib 1 (ground floor)
  • Check what areas your department has
  • IT Services work areas (My Warwick App)
  • Informal/drop-down study spaces
    • The Sciences building concourse
    • Westwood Café
    • Bar Fusion
    • Ramphal
    • The Oculus

You said: Phones are great at keeping us connected with the world, but can also be an unwanted distraction, especially during exam period. We need help to put our phones down.

We did: We are running 6 ‘Switch off and work’ sessions in Term 3 in the Library. There are 3 bookable sessions per day running from 9.30am to 10pm on Thursdays up to week 6.

We have space for 16 students in each session which can be booked through Moodle.

Tue 23 Apr 2019, 14:00