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New University Librarian - Anna O'Neill

We welcome Anna O'Neill, who joins Warwick from 1 November 2022 as University Librarian. Anna will lead a team of over 130, whose roles are key in connecting education and research, students and staff.

Anna was previously Director of Library Services and Arts Strategy at the University of Southampton. Anna has over 30 years’ experience in the library profession across a number of sectors, including the NHS, heritage, charities, law and financial services.

Anna has said:

"I’m delighted to be joining Warwick. The Library has always had a central role in academic life, as a crucial source of space and resources for studying, supporting research and sharing and managing information. I’m looking forward to developing a shared vision with staff and students to support the delivery of the University strategy and to further build the Library’s reputation as a leader in the collection, shaping and preservation of knowledge.”

About the role:

Anna will drive the continued development of the collections and world-class Library services for the University, its academic community and beyond, including a focus on digital transformation and institutional information management. She will also contribute to strategic level planning and the management of the University as a whole.

Chris Ennew, Provost, commented:

“We look forward to welcoming Anna, who joins us at an exciting time. The Library refurbishment project has created more study spaces and introduced new zones, as well improving the infrastructure and making it more sustainable. We’re looking to build on the Library’s strengths – both physically and digitally – and Anna will be able to use her experience to further develop its distinctive identity, positioning Warwick at the forefront of academic libraries nationally and internationally.”

Anna takes over the head of department role from Caroline Taylor, who had joined the team to act as Interim Library Manager following the retirement of Robin Green in May.

Mon 31 Oct 2022, 16:56