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Write Here, Write Now

Write Here Write Now

Are you struggling to concentrate, and get "in the zone" with your work?

Our minds work best in short, focused intervals, eliminating all distractions for a while to avoid procrastination.

Write Here, Write Now focused work sessions promote quiet study time, alongside breaks when you can chat to other students and grab some free refreshments.

Term 3 Sessions:

Week 0: 19th April, 11am - 1pm, Training Room, Library Floor 2 and TeamsLink opens in a new window

Week 1: 26th April, 1pm - 3pm, Training Room, Library Floor 2 and TeamsLink opens in a new window

Week 2: 3rd May, 11am - 1pm, Training Room, Library Floor 2 and TeamsLink opens in a new window

Week 3: 10th May, 1pm - 3pm, Training Room, Library Floor 2 and Teams

Week 4: 17th May, 11am - 1pm, Training Room, Library Floor 2 and Teams

Week 5: 24th May, 1pm - 3pm, Training Room, Library Floor 2 and TeamsLink opens in a new window

Week 6: 31st May, 11am - 1pm, Training Room, Library Floor 2 and TeamsLink opens in a new window

Week 7: 7th June, 1pm - 3pm, Training Room, Library Floor 2 and TeamsLink opens in a new window

Week 8: 14th June, 11am - 1pm, Training Room, Library Floor 2 and TeamsLink opens in a new window

Hybrid Sessions in Term 3:

You can register your interest in the hybrid sessions using the interest form. We will then send you a calendar invite which will contain the Teams Meeting Link. Alternatively, you can find the Teams link for each session above.

Please note: You do not need to register your interest if you plan on attending these sessions in person but if you would like to receive a calendar invite for the sessions, do feel free to fill out the form!


How the session runs

Loosely based on the Pomodoro technique® developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s, the structure of the sessions are:

  • 25 minutes of focused work - silence your mobile and email and get on with writing and research
  • 5 minutes break - chat to neighbours and grab a tea or coffee
  • Repeat!

The purpose of the session isn't to give advice on the content or style of your writing - just to give you the time and space to work effectively, and to help you to structure your study time.

Our Events

We run a variety of different Library EventsLink opens in a new window for all students, whether you're an undergraduate or a postgraduate.

What's On


We'd love to hear your thoughts on all of our events. If you've attended an event recently and would like to let us know what you liked or disliked about it, please fill out this form.Link opens in a new window

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