We provide a range of services for academic and research staff including support for enhancing your teaching practice and to help you make the most of your research.

Resources for your module
Submit your reading list
Submitting your reading list to the library in good time is essential for ensuring the resources your students need are in stock in the right quantities before the module begins. Your Academic Support Librarian can provide further advice and information.
- Get guidance on Reading Lists
- Submit through Reading Lists
Digitisation requests
- Use our Course Extracts service to make a request for a chapter or article to be scanned and made available for your students
- See further information about how to make a digitisation request and what we are able to legally scan under the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) Higher Education Licence
Develop student skills
Your Academic Support Librarian can work with you to create opportunities for students to develop skills within the curriculum covering:
- Finding and evaluating information
- Referencing and avoiding plagiarism
- Using digital tools and presentation technologies
We focus activities to suit student groups across different disciplines and levels of study.
Our successful Student as Researcher initiative can develop content with you for online, face-to-face or blended delivery, leading to formative or summative assessment as required.
Make a book suggestion
- Suggest a book for the Library to purchase using our book suggestion form

Develop your teaching
Spaces to support learning and teaching
We have 2 specialist spaces: our Teaching Grid and Co-creation Space which are flexible spaces to support teaching and learning at the University, they have:
- Flexible furniture to suit your teaching style
- Flexible technology to explore new methods of teaching
Window on Teaching database to learn from experience
- Case studies and videos from your community
- Be inspired

Disseminate your research
Share your research
- Deposit to WRAP to make your work eligible for the REF
- Investigate funding for Open Access
- Get advice on how to disseminate your research and getting published
- Exchanges, the Warwick Research Journal
Collections for research
- Rare books and special collections
- Explore unique collection held at the Modern Records Centre and MRC digitised collections
- Warwick Digital Collections
- Discover published research
Support for active researchers
- Guidance on Research Data Management
- Find out more about Open Research at Warwick
- Research support
- Research and Academic Support Librarians
- Postgraduate Community Engagement