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Support for your subject

Whatever you are studying you'll find training and resources in place for your course. Subjects are listed by area and details of what you may find on each of the subject pages are listed below. Contact your Research and Academic Support Librarian for further support.

Key electronic resources

Discover subject specific lists of the most relevant Library online resources to support your studies.

Useful websites

Make the most of what is freely available on the web. We’ve listed some key sites to get you started.

Course extracts

If the article you want is not generally available in electronic format, we may have specifically digitised your reading list article or book chapter for ease of access. They are listed within the 'quick links' on the right hand side of the subject webpage and also listed by module through our Course Extracts service.

Online subject help and support

Need some extra guidance? We have online subject guides and tutorials to support your studies.