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Trusted Research

Trusted Research

What is Trusted Research?

Trusted Research refers to regulations, measures, and good practice observed in UK universities designed to keep research safe, sensitive information secure, and avoid the hard work of UK researchers being stolen, misused, or misrepresented.

It includes, but is not limited to, compliance with laws relating to Export Controls, and to the National Security & Investment Act and the Nagoya Protocol.

Anyone who undertakes or supports research has certain responsibilities and obligations associated with Trusted Research.


There are resources and support available to help you and the Research Governance & Compliance Team in R&IS is always available to answer any queries or support with any compliance steps needed – you can contact them at

The National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) have also recently launched scenario-based videos, which provides some helpful guidance, and we recommend that you take some time to watch these. The videos cover some examples based on real events in UK Academia, highlighting how some of the areas Trusted Research covers can arise in practice, and practical steps you can take to ensure you are minimising risk in your research.