Fellowship Hub

Fellowship Hub
This webpage provides a central source of information for ESRC IAA Postdoctoral Impact Fellows. If you have any questions or require any support, please contact the Social Sciences Research Impact team on esrcimpactaccount@warwick.ac.uk.
Induction and Development Programme
The schedule below details the compulsory Induction and Development Programme for fellows. This programme spans the duration of the fellowship and provides key training to support you in the delivery of your project and your career longer-term, as well as opportunities to build your network and contribute to the impact culture of the Faculty.
Introductory Meeting |
Mon 2 Sept 13:00-13:45 Online |
Meet with the Social Science Research Impact Managers - Dr Helen Ackers & Dr Kathryn van de Wiel - to learn more about the Postdoctoral Impact Fellowship in the context of the ESRC IAA, the aims of the scheme, the impact ecosystem at Warwick. |
Welcome Lunch |
Thurs 5 Sept 12:30-14:00 Scarman |
Meet with the ESRC IAA Management Committee, the Social Sciences Research Impact team, and your mentors. |
Weds 9 Oct 10:00-15:00 Scarman |
Join us at our celebration event to showcase successes and developments from the first year of our ESRC Impact Acceleration Account. |
Weds 6 Nov (date TBC) 13:00-14:30 In-person - venue TBC |
Taking place once a term, Interchange is a community of practice series organised by the Impact Teams supporting the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences. Each session focuses on a different topic or aspect of research impact, and will host speakers with experience in that area who will share an overview of their work and the insights they have gained. This will be followed by a Q&A, as well as a chance to further discuss the topic, network, and for the audience to share any experience and reflections they might have, too. The next session will look at ‘Getting Started with Impact’ - join a panel of humanities and social sciences researchers who have recently embarked upon a journey to deriving impact from their research as they discuss the experience, what has worked for them, and answer questions. |
Training Session: Introduction to Impact |
Thurs 24 Oct 10:00-11:00 Online |
This 90-minute webinar provides a basic foundation of what research impact is and how this is supported at Warwick. It will equip participants with practical advice on how best to explore pathways to impact from different disciplines, and incorporate a presentation from a Warwick researcher who has been involved in impact. |
Training Session: Measurement & Evaluation |
Tues 29 Oct 11:00-12:30 Online |
This webinar provides an overview of how to measure and evaluate activities in order to collect evidence of research impact. It will incorporate a presentation from a Warwick researcher who has experience evaluating the impact of their research. The session will include opportunities for Q&As and discussion and will provide examples of best practice. |
Training Session: Communicating & Showcasing your Research |
Date/time TBC Online |
This workshop enables participants to develop skills and knowledge in communicating research and how to access relevant users and stakeholders. It provides a comprehensive overview of a range of methods which can be utilised to communicate research and the pros and cons for each. The workshop will also explore how to identify relevant stakeholders, users, audiences and beneficiaries of research and how to adjust research for each. Understand a range of ways to communicate research (including workshops, roundtables, conferences, websites, social media, press, TV and radio, town hall meetings, policy briefings and recommendations). |
Training Session: Impact through Public Engagement | Weds 23 Oct 9:30-12:30 Milburn House |
Session facilitated by the Warwick Institute of Engagement and delivered by external public engagement expert, Dr Jamie Gallagher: Demonstrating the impact of research has never been more important, but what does successful impact through public engagement look like? This workshop guides you step-by-step through the processes to maximise the chances of your work fostering real and long-lasting change outside of academia. |
Training Session: How to Write a Policy Brief |
Date/time TBC – consult Policy Hub webpage Online |
This training will focus on identifying the audience, making your research relevant, writing effective recommendations, and active and passive dissemination. |
Various other events and opportunities will also be made available to you wherever possible.
You may want to consider participating in the following opportunities, facilitated through the ESRC IAA Policy Hub:
- Introduction to Parliament Training – Friday 20 September or Friday 8 November; held at the Palace of Westminster in London, delivered in conjunction with the Industry and Parliamentary Trust (IPT) and the Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology (POST).
- Intensive Policy Training Programme – 8 sessions during the Autumn/Spring Term, delivered by the Institute for Government
- Policy Labs – various; see Policy Hub webpages for more information
Meeting with your Fellowship Mentor/s
As a rough guide, we suggest meeting with your mentors on a monthly basis to share your progress, get advice, and refine the translation of your research findings into usable insights/tools for your stakeholders.
Meeting with the Social Sciences Impact Team
We suggest checking in with the Research Impact Team twice a term, but you can request a meeting with us whenever you need support. We can help you troubleshoot common challenges and map stakeholders, and give advice on designing your activities and maximising the impact of your work.
Fellowship Outputs
As part of your fellowship, you are required to produce the following outputs:
- An End-of-Project Report (this will also be shared with the ESRC)
- Presentation of your project at the conclusion of your fellowship – we hope this will be at the Year 2 Celebration Event, depending on your availability
- Contribute to a session of Interchange (in the Spring or Summer term)
- A Policy Brief on your work – this will be hosted on the ESRC IAA Policy Hub webpages
- Contribute some form of training to the Warwick Impact Academy drawing your expertise and impact work – this might be a downloadable guide, or an in-person workshop, for instance
We also hope to be able to check in with you one year following the conclusion of your fellowship, to find out where your plans take you.