My Profile
My Profile is accessed via the University’s Research Administration system Ideate. As a researcher at Warwick, you can manage your personal profile and record information on your research expertise.
Information held in your personal profile can be output to your individual web profile page. Details such as research interests, research projects and publications will be displayed on the web page, in order to showcase your research expertise.
Your user profile in Ideate is a central source of data for all your research information. Research Projects will be sourced from the Ideate database of research proposals. Publications will be sourced and imported from the Library’s Publication Service so there will be no need to re-key the data. Your profile can therefore be maintained with very little effort and data will be output to your staff web page.
Web Profile Pages - find out how your web profile page is populated with your research data.
Ideate 'My User Profile' - your My User Profile data, contact details, research interests and biography, is now hosted within the Ideate system.
Publications Service and WRAP - your publications data is sourced via the Library's research outputs and open access systems.