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What is strength and conditioning?

Strength and conditioning is the practical application of sports science to enhance your movement quality to improve performance.

Fri 10 Feb 2023, 10:00 | Tags: Fitness Sub-feature

A beginner’s guide to playing tennis

Starting a new sport like tennis can be daunting. There are new rules to learn and there are strange terms thrown around such as ‘love’ and ‘deuce’. But fear not, every tennis player has to start somewhere and teaching tennis to beginners just happens to be one of our fortes.

Mon 19 Dec 2022, 11:28 | Tags: How to and advice Learn and develop Racquets Sub-feature

8 gentle exercises to help you relax

During times of uncertainty it’s important to take time to try to relax and practise self-care. But how can you take care of yourself? One way is to set aside some time to move through some gentle exercises.

Mon 08 Feb 2021, 13:01 | Tags: Health and wellbeing Sub-feature Wellness

How to improve your emotional health

Our emotional health and well-being is an important component of our mental and physical health. Here are a number of ways of boosting our emotional health and finding a greater sense of balance and self-esteem in our lives.

6 HIIT workout exercises to do at home

High-intensity interval training is a cardio workout involving short periods of intense exercise followed by a rest period. Follow the descriptions and videos with options to progress or regress each exercise.

Tue 12 May 2020, 12:25 | Tags: Home fitness Sub-feature

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