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9 ways to improve your wellbeing at university

Attending university is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be demanding.

Fri 11 Aug 2023, 12:21 | Tags: Health and wellbeing, Wellness, Active students

How to practice mindfulness while working from home

We live in an era where there is more information readily available at our fingertips than ever before, but this can feel overwhelming. From constant social media scrolling to 24/7 news broadcasts, it’s easy to forget how to take care of yourself and live in the moment. This is where practicing mindfulness can help.

Mon 29 Mar 2021, 11:10 | Tags: How to and advice, Health and wellbeing, Wellness

8 gentle exercises to help you relax

During times of uncertainty it’s important to take time to try to relax and practise self-care. But how can you take care of yourself? One way is to set aside some time to move through some gentle exercises.

Mon 08 Feb 2021, 13:01 | Tags: Sub-feature Health and wellbeing Wellness

10 tips to help look after your wellbeing during lockdown

We understand that being in lockdown is hard for many reasons. So we’ve put together some tips to help you look after your health and wellness throughout this time.

Mon 25 Jan 2021, 10:03 | Tags: Health and wellbeing, Wellness

6 restorative yoga postures

Restorative Yoga helps to combat the physical and mental effects of everyday stress by using a variety of props that allow you to completely relax and rest. Here are six Restorative Yoga postures to explore.

Tue 04 Aug 2020, 09:00 | Tags: Feature Home fitness Together Health and wellbeing Wellness

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