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A beginner’s guide to playing tennis

Starting a new sport like tennis can be daunting. There are new rules to learn and there are strange terms thrown around such as ‘love’ and ‘deuce’. But fear not, every tennis player has to start somewhere and teaching tennis to beginners just happens to be one of our fortes.

Mon 19 Dec 2022, 11:28 | Tags: How to and advice Learn and develop Racquets Sub-feature

How to practice mindfulness while working from home

We live in an era where there is more information readily available at our fingertips than ever before, but this can feel overwhelming. From constant social media scrolling to 24/7 news broadcasts, it’s easy to forget how to take care of yourself and live in the moment. This is where practicing mindfulness can help.

Mon 29 Mar 2021, 11:10 | Tags: Health and wellbeing, How to and advice, Wellness

Simple steps to 5 a side success

Football is a national obsession in the UK. There are many ways to play the beautiful game, including small-sided football – better known as 5 a side.

Thu 25 Feb 2021, 11:10 | Tags: How to and advice

5 step Anti-Resolution Action Plan

Tired of hearing “New year, new you”? Us too. While the New Year is a great time to take stock and recharge, it’s not the time to be setting unrealistic resolutions.

Exercises to help counteract screen-time

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has changed our lives radically, with one indirect consequence being a much greater reliance on using screens for working from home or home schooling. We’ve therefore pulled together some simple exercises to help reduce screen fatigue.

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