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10 tips to help look after your wellbeing during lockdown

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1. Keep moving

With gyms closed and outdoor sports on hold, it can be difficult to find ways to exercise. However, try to keep moving as much as you can, as exercising can help relieve stress, improve your mood and increase your energy.

All good benefits to help you tackle another day of lockdown, whether you’re working from home, home schooling, or both. Perhaps try a lunchtime walk in the park or join an online class.

2. Focus on what you can control

Lockdowns and restrictions have taken a toll on our mental health. When you find yourself particularly stressed, try focussing on what you can control instead.

Organising activities which you enjoy doing at home gives you something to look forward to.For example, you could try cooking a new recipe, start a virtual book club with friends, or try out a yoga class online.

3. Find a routine that works for you

Adding some structure to your days by having a loose schedule can help too, as routines keep us groundedLink opens in a new window. But remember to make a routine tailored to you, rather than copying something from the internet.

If you feel more productive in the morning, why not wake up a little earlier and try to get a larger portion of work done before lunch? If you want to feel fitter but don’t know where to start, why not set a weekly step goal and add some more walks into your schedule?

4. Ban the ‘all or nothing’ mentality and reward yourself for the small wins

This is a really challenging time for our mental health, so it’s important to be kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up if you’ve done only two online fitness classes, rather than the four you’d promised yourself you’d do. Instead, try to reframe your perspective and celebrate the fact you have done something for yourself and your health.

5. Get some fresh air

We’re spending more time indoors during lockdown, so getting outside can really make a difference. Spending time in green spaces can improve your moodLink opens in a new window while reducing feelings of stress.

Why not get your running shoes on and go for a jog? Or put your walking boots on and explore the local park where social distancing is possible. Even just taking a quick lap around the block can help you to reset and feel more refreshed.

6. Try some relaxation techniques

To help you feel more relaxed, you could try some relaxation techniques like focusing on your breath. Doing this can help to relieve any tension and reduce negative emotions. The NHS has free resources Link opens in a new windowyou can download to help you practice relaxing through breathing and meditation.

7. Keep connecting with others

While we’re not able to socialise as we might like to, try to keep in touch with your loved ones however works best for you. Maybe you could schedule weekly video calls, send someone an email or a letter, or chat live on social media.

Organising a time where you can catch up with your friends and family online can help give you something to look forward to. It also adds some structure to your time during lockdown and can help with the ‘Groundhog Day’ feeling.

8. Keep talking about your feelings

We’re all experiencing our own version of lockdown and its effects. But talking about your worries and feelings with people you trust can help both you and them to process. If you’re looking for some professional support, there are a number of helplinesLink opens in a new window available too.

9. Manage your news intake

It can be overwhelming following everything Covid-19 related on the news; there’s just so much information. While it’s good to keep informed and educated, try to manage how often you consume the news, as well as when you consume it. Perhaps right before bed isn’t the best time to be scrolling through the stats?

If your news intake is causing you huge amounts of stress and anxiety, remember it’s okay to limit your intakeLink opens in a new window. Perhaps choose a specific time of the day to read any updates and only do it then. When you do follow the news, remember to refer to reputable sources like the government websiteLink opens in a new window or the NHS.Link opens in a new window

10. Prioritise sleep

Getting a good amount of rest helps keep you physically and emotionally healthy. So, it’s important right now to try prioritising getting enough sleep.

If you’re struggling to switch off your brain, you could try writing down any worries that crop up when you’re trying to sleep. The NHS also offers more tips and resourcesLink opens in a new window to help you improve your sleep if you’re struggling.

Cheryl Culliford-Whyte

Cheryl Culliford-Whyte Content Contributor, Warwick Sport

Cheryl has interests in all kinds of fitness, keeping healthy and looking after your wellbeing. She enjoys hiking, lifting and healthy baking.


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