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You Said We Did

Image showing breakdown of statistics for different student groups. 91% UG, 7% PGT, 2% PGR. 49% Social Sciences, 32% SEM, 19% Arts. 59% International Students, 41% home. 18% LGBTQUIA+, 82% Heterosexual. 74% BAME. 22% Male, 77% Female. 2 Mature students, 1 care leaver, 1 responsible for care, 8 Widening Participation students, 16 students with disabilities and 7 neurodivergent students.

Who we talked to

We ran over 37 different workshops, with 101 students attending. As the graphic demonstrates we were able to hear from students representing a range of student groups; supporting us to better understand the needs of our community.

Due to the smaller sample size, results from this work can only be considered indicative rather than representative. However, it gave us a starting point from which to consider what our next steps should be.

After much student consultation our next steps will focus on:

A cartoon image of a laptop showing the off campus webpages

Off-Campus Webpages

We created a set of centrally located webpages to signpost students to all of the relevant information they need to live off campus. A lot of students said that they struggled with knowing where to go for information around living off campus. With so many sites offering guidance on both the University and SU webpages, it can be hard to find the information students need.

An image of a blank events calendar.

Preparation for Second Year

A lot of students mentioned feeling uncertain about how to navigate moving from their first to second year. Feedback offered a lot of suggestions around events that could be organised to help students with this transition. In addition to these suggestions, we are working to bring together, under one umbrella, the many existing events happening across different teams and departments so that we are better able to signpost these to students.

These will include anything that helps equip students with the skills and knowledge they need in order to navigate that first to second-year transition.

An image of the universities interactive campus map.

Campus Facilities

Students indicated a need for ‘dwell spaces’- places where they don’t need to pay for food or drink, and where they can store and reheat food. Whilst the connect programmes are ongoing, we will feed this into the design needs for our campus!

A lot of these spaces already exist, and we will be improving the signposting of these to students through the campus map.

Currently we are looking to identify where these spaces are, so we can locate and check that they’re still operational. If you know of any that are not added, please get in touch with us at !