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Short Term Mobility

At Warwick, we offer a range of short term international experiences, which can work around your degree without extending your course length. To find a list of different opportunities, select the type of experience you're looking for below.

Personal Development OpportunitiesLink opens in a new window

Are you interested in international volunteering, internships or work placements? Find out more here.

Academic Development OpportunitiesLink opens in a new window

Are you interested in attending an international summer school, research or study placement? Find out more here.

Warwick Led Short Term ProgrammesLink opens in a new window

Are you interested in a Warwick led short term programme including WIISP, SJTU & Warwick Global Challenge, Warwick in Africa, Teamwork or URSS? Find out more here.

Short Term Funding 2025Link opens in a new window

Funding is limited and requires a competitive application process. To find out more about funding in 2025, please click here.Link opens in a new window

Have any questions?

Please contact the Short Term Mobility Team on