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Why study abroad?

At Warwick, we encourage you to expand your horizons as well as your mind. You can build an intercalated year into your degree, giving you the opportunity to enrich your learning by spending time overseas.

10 reasons to study abroad

1. Enhancing employment opportunities

Employers tell us that they are constantly looking for ways to differentiate between applicants. Developing the skills that international mobility provides is one of the ways you will be able to set yourself out from the crowd.

2. Language skills

Studying overseas can help you to develop your existing knowledge of a language, or to learn a new one. In an increasingly internationally-focused business world, language skills can be highly sought after by graduate employers.

3. Cultural understanding

Spending time immersed in a new or different cultural setting will provide you with an opportunity to develop a fresh understanding and outlook on culture. It may also help you to develop your communication and networking skill set.

4. Personal development

Taking part in a student mobility opportunity has helped other students to grow and develop as individuals in a global world. Confidence and independence has been seen to increase when students are taken out of their comfort zone.

5. Added value

Whether you are a language student or have included a year abroad in your degree, the depth of non-academic knowledge and the level of experience gained through student mobility has proven invaluable to students who have taken part.

6. Expanding your horizon

Studying overseas anywhere in the world can provide you with a fresh outlook and can expand your global network giving you access to friends and mentors across the globe.

7. Alternative study route

Different universities have different modules or subjects, this could mean that you are able to tailor your placement to your interests or career goals. By expanding your knowledge, you might return to Warwick with a different perspective for your final year.

8. Choose how

At Warwick (depending on your degree regulations), you may be able to study, work or teach abroad. This means that you can apply to take part in an opportunity that best suits your needs or future plans.

9. See the world

With opportunities in over 40 countries you may be able to take the opportunity to fit in some time exploring and travelling during your time abroad.

10. Most previous Study Abroad students say "it's the best year of your life"

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