Child Protection Policy

University of Warwick Child Protection Policy
These pages contain information about the University of Warwick's Child Protection Policy, the primary aim of which is to provide an environment in which those under the age of 18 are safe from harm. We also recognise the responsibility of other agencies to ensure the protection of children from harm. The Director of Wellbeing and Safeguarding is currently the University Designated Person for Safeguarding.
- The University of Warwick aims to provide an environment in which those under the age of 18 are safe from harm and recognises other agencies’ responsibilities to ensure the protection of children from harm.
- The key guidance for child protection is Working Together to Safeguard Children (Department for Education, 2018). This states:
- everyone who works with children has a responsibility for keeping them safe
- everyone who come into contact with children and families has a role to play in sharing information and identifying concerns.
- This policy is coordinated by the Director of Wellbeing and Safeguarding to whom any questions about the policy or its operation should be referred (via
- The policy does not cover external contractors.
- It is the responsibility of the organiser(s), whether members of the University or external bodies or individuals, of any activities, events or conferences involving under 18s which use University facilities to make all the necessary child protection arrangements in connection with such activity including:
- Undertaking an appropriate risk assessment.
- Ensuring that all staff are properly trained and briefed, including on procedures for dealing with concerns about child safeguarding.
- Seeking appropriate levels of DBS checks for all staff involved.
- Ensuring appropriate insurance arrangements are in place.
- The admission of a student under the age of 18 (at the point of admission) to a course of study at the University will require the respective academic department to ensure suitable arrangements are in place prior to the student enrolling. Admitting a child who is under the age of 16 on entry will be considered on a case-by-case basis with the final decision to admit being made by the Provost (or designated authority) and only after full consideration of the individual circumstances.
- A brief guide for all staff on how to respond if a child or young person begins describing possible harm to you is included in the Safeguarding Reporting Process guidanceLink opens in a new window.
- Any child safeguarding concerns, disclosures or allegations of abuse shall be reported immediately to the University’s Safeguarding team via the online reporting form or via e-mail to
- It will be the responsibility of the University's Safeguarding team to maintain an accurate record of all concerns raised and action taken.
- It is expected that those departments and services of the University which deal frequently with under 18s (for example the University Nursery, and the Centre for Teacher Education) will have in place their own detailed child safeguarding policies relevant to the activities undertaken. Copies of these policies and any which are used locally and approved by the University's Safeguarding team will also be held by the Safeguarding team.
- Where research is to be undertaken, which involved under 18s, specific ethical considerations apply and these will be considered through the normal processes for the ethical approval of research projects. Consideration should be given as to whether associated DBS checks, risk assessments and safeguarding training should be undertaken.
- Where a student under the age of 18 is admitted to the University and is to be placed in a University Residence, the responsibilities outlined under item 5, above, will be exercised by the Head of Wellbeing Support.
- Where a known offender is admitted to, or employed by, the University, the responsibilities outlined under item 5, above, will be exercised by the Head of Wellbeing SupportLink opens in a new window, or in the case of staff members, the Director of Human Resources.
- With respect to individuals described under items 11 and 12, department heads will develop appropriate and pragmatic measures in consultation with the Designated Person to ensure that the responsibilities outlined under item 5 are satisfied.
- Read about the University’s policies in respect of employment and work experience of children and young people under the age of 18 on the Health and Safety Services websiteLink opens in a new window.